Friday, January 19, 2007

"I'm Shaking From The Pain Inside My Head.."


She doesn't love me in that way anymore.

I can tell by the way she acts.

I can tell by the look in her eyes.

There used to be longing.

Now there's nothing.

We kinda switched spots in life eh.... She used to want me, and I didn't' want her. Now it's the other way around ><;

I'm still gonna leave her a Valentine's Day card in her locker... No idea what I'm gonna write in it. Probably some cheesy ass poem.

But whatever it is, if she shows NO interest in me whatsoever... Then it falls back to my last resort - Getting her drunk.




Come on, I can still be funny in times of distress, bloggy xD

I'm talking to my blog.

I'm whack

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