Friday, January 12, 2007

"Push The Pedal Down"

Hey bloggyyy.

Wut up!


For some psychotic reason I feel... Happier? I'm not OVER it - far from it - but I'm better. All we need is time... healing needs to start eh.

I had lamb tonight.. I actually ATE it. -droollll- It's like the best meat EVA.

And then me and my mom went to Garage and she bought me some jeans... I hate clothes shopping... But then we went to Chapters and she got me three books =DD

A Stephen King book called Bag of Bones (He's my favorite author.. by the way).

A James Siegel book called "Detour".. He's a good author, he wrote Derailed, the book was so much better then the movie.

A Baudelaire collection of selected poems.. He's an amazing poet.. AMAZING. His words just yell at you... All about pain, despair, sadness; but about beauty at the same time. Though the book has been translated to english.. It's still good, it's still his work.

I love reading I really do.. I like to read books slow and savour every word. Just the simple fact that someone can write so freely about anything is just.. wow. I'd like to be an author, but I doubt I could. So people are just born with the talent of writing.. You can LEARN that.

Oh and today some dude came in our music class... He said that me and Eric have amazing musical talent.. And a musical ear. That was nice.

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