Monday, January 8, 2007

"I Wear This Crown Of Shit, Upon My Liar's Chair"

Sorry bout the lack of update and all... My life basicaly went to SHIT since like thursday.

well, thursday I went to my friend Jasmine's ex-boyfriend's house, got piss drunk and made out with him, Nick. And now he won't stop calling me... I'm not interested. Aimee knows, she forgave me.. hopeufully. I feel really shitty about it, cut myself.


And let me just tell you that I hadn't seen aimee in almost two weeks I was going crazy. I love her so fucking much and she came over and my mom walked in on us making out... You have no idea how bad THAT was.

I thought I knew what being sad felt like.

Or how many tears I could cry.

Or how hot i could put the shower water before it hurts

Or how I look like... REALLy look like

I was wrong... Everything has gone to shitty fuck hell and I don't know if a teenage relationship can stand this much strain... Till then, it's just whatever.


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