Monday, January 1, 2007

"I Miss You, Miss You So Bad"

Hey...Well, New Years Eve was OK. It was a sober one thought... I had like one light screwdriver at my aunt's house. I went to my cousin Julie's before that... I was like praying that she would offer me a joint or something.. But no dice.

And then at my aunt's house we played charades (How GAY is that!) But it was fun.. I guess. My aunt's sister was there with her girlfriend... I love adult lesbians. They're so cute =D They have a dog named Peanut ,equally cute.

Aimee still doesn't know if she can come to my house thursday or not... I really want her too.. I haven't seen her in like a week + and I just wanna kiss her, once. Even talking to her face to face would be ok to satisfy me.

My dad is behind me playing guitar... It's kinda annoying because I don't want him to see this eh.

Tonight, my family is going out to East Side Mario's... I haven't even done my hair yet. Hmmph.

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